Monday, 25 January 2016

Planning to go for a laser hair removal treatment? Here are Some Tips

We all desire for a silky, smooth and hairless skin and in this age of science and technology it is possible to fulfill this desire. The laser hair removal treatment has become exceedingly popular and a huge number of people are opting for this treatment in order to get rid of unwanted body hair. In case you too are planning to go for a laser hair removal treatment then here is some advice from the renowned expert, Dr. Krupa Shankar. Keep reading to know more:
  • Results are NOT permanent
The first thing you must know about laser hair removal is that this treatment is effective but its results are not permanent.  A lot of people have a huge misconception that the results of this treatment are permanent and after undergoing a set of six sitting they can boast of a hairless body for the rest of their lives. Well, sadly this is not true at all. You can expect up to 80% reduction in the growth of your body hair after undergoing at least six sessions of this treatment.
This treatment is so much in demand that a lot of people have jumped into this business and are offering this service at a lower price. Beware of such people because they are not experts and there are chances that you can get severe burns on your body if you take services of inexperienced professionals. Always go to renowned and experienced dermatologists in order to get a laser hair removal treatment done!
  • Skin type and hair type
Laser works best on hard and dark hair. Fair skin and dark hair are a perfect combination and laser works best on people who have this sort of skin and hair combination. The best way is to consult an expert in order to talk about it in an extensive way.

Monday, 18 January 2016

The Best Way to Fight Wrinkles & Acne at the Same Time

Acne breakouts or wrinkles are challenging enough when you’re dealing only with one or the other, but when you’re struggling with both at the same time, it’s doubly frustrating!
5 essential products for treating acne and wrinkles
Essential #1: A  gentle, water-soluble cleanser. Acne does not respond to drying cleansers or bar soaps; these actually make matters worse. “Medicated” cleansers aren’t helpful either, because the active ingredient, even if it’s effective, is just rinsed down the drain. On the other hand, just because your skin is showing signs of aging doesn’t mean you need a rich cleansing cream, because the emollient ingredients in these types of cleansers can clog pores and make breakouts worse.
Essential #2: A beta hydroxy acid (BHA) exfoliant. Exfoliating with a BHA (active ingredient: salicylic acid) product is the most effective way to improve breakouts and fight signs of aging at the same time.
Essential #3: A treatment serum with antioxidants. Most serums are lightweight, which makes them great for use on breakout-prone areas, and the best ones are loaded with the kinds of ingredients all skin types need to look and act younger and healthier and to help heal the red marks blemishes leave behind.
Essential #4: Lightweight anti-aging/anti-wrinkle moisturizer. The trick in this case is to find a moisturizer that hydrates skin without feeling thick, creamy, or greasy, all of which can aggravate breakouts. Apply at night after exfoliating and after applying your treatment serum, and be sure to apply it around your eye area, too.
Essential #5: Matte-finish daytime moisturizer with sunscreen (or a foundation with sunscreen). No anti-aging routine is complete without daily sun protection from a product rated SPF 15 or greater, and greater is better, to a point. Those with breakouts and wrinkles need sun protection from a product that smoothes and hydrates without making breakouts worse. Don’t forget, you also can use consider a foundation and a pressed powder with sunscreen as your daily facial sun protection.
This steps can be done once or twice daily, after cleansing and exfoliating.
Also See:  Skin health by Dr. Krupa Shankar

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Ways to Treat Uneven Skin Tone

Everyone wants a healthy and glowing skin but very few of us are actually blessed with it. These days a lot of people complain of various skin issues and uneven skin tone is one of them. Uneven skin tone can be the outcome of numerous diverse things such as excessive exposure to the sun, hormonal disturbances, or scarring of the skin. If you also have an uneven skin tone then do not worry at all as Dr.Krupa Shankar says that this problem can be solved to a great extent. Read on to know more:

1.      Sugar Scrub
This is a good old-fashioned but effective way to balance out uneven skin tone. It is a fact that sugar is a natural scrub and it helps in making the skin smooth and supple. It would scrub away dead and chipped skin to reveal a skin tone that is beautiful, radiant and more even. The best part is that this scrub can be made at home also all you need is a quarter cup of raw granulated sugar and water. Mix it and add a few drops of coconut or olive oil.

2.      Sandalwood Mask
Sandalwood mask is a sure shot way to get rid of uneven skin tone. From past several years it has been used for diverse beauty therapies in India and is one of the keystone herbs in Ayurveda medicine. Sandalwood powder mixed with turmeric powder works like magic to treat uneven skin tone.

3.      Regular Use of Sunscreen
Though this might sound as a cliché but using a good sunscreen is extremely important. Even if you are indoors then also you must use sunscreen during the day. When you skip sunscreen then your skin is exposed to the harsh sunlight and it leads to an uneven skin tone.